Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When attempting your Structured Questions

1. Read the key instruction word - state, describe, explain...what, why, how...

2. Look at the marks allocated...answer accordingly, the higher the mark allocated, the more RELEVANT points you need to give.

Structured Questions are like your Short Sentence Questions, just more and longer.

Please do not stress over the exam tomorrow. Have enough rest and sleep. You do not want to go 'blank' during your paper.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Art Students from 1E2, you are to submit to me your sketch book and drawing of frida kahlo by tmr, finished or not. If you do not submit, it will be the same thing for your history, where you will receive 0 for your class assignments instead of having some marks.

Please inform your classmates.

Thank you :)
All historians take note...these are the entries that you should have in your blog...

1. Recap Question, Chapter 1, Page 9
2. Recap Question, Chapter 2, Page 23
3. Indus Valley Civilisation, 4 Ques -
1. Write down why, how and what had happened to have caused a rapid end to the Indus Valley Civilisation.
2. Has there been evidence of artifacts found which would indicate that the people of Indus Valley Civilisation had a system of communication? Support your answer with the images or data collected and compiled by historians.
3.Find at least 3 more possible occupation and support your findings with images and explanation.
4. You are to gather at least 3 more images taken by historians/archaelogists of buildings/structures/artifacts found in the Indus Valley Civilisation. Name them and explain it's possible usuage by the people in that civilisation.

4. What had happened c.1150 BCE?
5. Impacts of Religion and How did Hindumsim and Buddhism spread to SouthEast Asia?
6. What inference can you make from study the map about Mauryan dynasty? and what were the result of these interactions?

After the 6pm for 1E3 and 7pm for 1E2, I will no longer accept any updated entries and it will remain as zero.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Learning to make comparisons...

When you draw similarities between sources, you need to find a common criterion and state it from the beginning.

When the questions asks you in this manner...

How similar...
How different...
To what extent are...similar
To what extent are...different

They are asking you to answer BOTH


When the question asks you in this manner...

In what ways are...similar
In what ways are...different
How are Sources A and B similar?
How are Sources A and B different?

They are asking you to answer just ONE
similarities OR differences
Do not forget that you still need to make inferences for this type of question and always SUPPORT your inference from the evidence in your sources!
Learning to infer...

We infer to get more informatino from a source. We ask QUESTIONS about the OBVIOUS information we obtain from the source.

To infer is use the given clues/information to make GUESSES about an event/issue when the answer is not obvious.

For example...

Refer to your workbook, pg 28.

The source is about...

A Shang bronze axehead, with inscriptions on both sides, found in the Yellow River Valley.

So what are the obvious information?

It came from the Shang Dynasty, it is bronze, it is an axehead, there are inscriptions on both side of it and it was found in the Yellow River.

So what inferences can we make?

The bronze axehead was probably used as a tool for chopping or as a weapon.

The Shang people made use of tools to help them in their work and as weapons to defend themselves.

Friday, July 24, 2009

For students who has been having problems uploading and sustaining the photos please personally inform me by posting a comment at the end of this entry. Do not allow me the opportunity to minus marks from your assignments :)
Dear Historians...

Please be reminded that you are given some tasks to complete over the weekend. You are to draw out 3 mind-maps in your exercise book...

1. Mind-map on SEA Civilisation
2. Mind-map on Maritime Kingdom
3. Mind-map of Features of the SEA Civilisation

The group work on Funan and Srivijaya have been extended to Tuesday, since some of you have asked for an extension.

Enjoy your weekend, but please do not forget to also study... :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gentle Reminder

1. Please blog your reflections on "Recap Questions" from page 23 by Wednesday, 15th July 2009

2. Bring your exercise books for checking on Thursday. You may ask me questions on concepts or things that you do not understand for history. And if you have any feedback at how you would like your history lessons to be conducted. The questions and feebacks are to help you better learn :)

3. Submission of the 4 questions from the Indus Valley Civilisation worksheet by Saturday.

You may go to this address to help you out with your research work.

*Please ensure that you include the webpage from where you had taken the images from. You may face legal charges if you fail to do so! If all of your images was been taken from, at the end of your entries, please mention -> Images taken from

4. Submission of the Indus Valley Civilisation worksheet by Tuesday, 21st July 2009.

5. Please study for your class test on Thursday, 23rd July 2009. Chapters tested is from Chap 1-3.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Dear Historians...

As you are aware, I am on Medical Leave today. And i hope you did not waste that one period by doing nothing. I trust that you are responsible historians who are up to any task given to you and capable of many great things.

I hope you had done a good job with Section C of your workbook. I look forward to assess your understanding. 

Please bring your files again on Thursday (hopefully i'm fully recovered by then) we will be doing some filing then. And please be prepared to have a make-up lesson next week for today's missing lesson.

Hope to see you all healthy on Thursday :)


You are reminded to bring your workbook, with section C done until page 15 and your file for our lesson tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Secondary 1 History E-Learning

Term 3, Week 1
Unit 1: Chapter 2
Topic: Reconstructing the Past

Students are to read up on Chapter 2 of your textbook.

The key issue you need to take note of is:

1. How to evaluate evidence. When we are handling or exposed to a collection of sources/evidences, we need to be careful and watch out for the reliability of the source.

We need to go through a process to test the reliability of it. We need to ask the credibility, consistency and corroboration of the sources.

Ask yourself :

-WHO provided the source?
-WHO is in reference to?
-WHY is the source chosen?
-WHEN was the account given?
-WHEN did the event occur?
-WHERE was the source made/came from?
-WHAT is the purpose of the source/historian…?
-WHAT happened?
-WHAT assumptions does the author make?
-WHAT is the basis of the author’s conclusion?
-DOES the content agree with what you know or have learned about the issue?

The evidence becomes a fact if it passes the 3 C's, otherwise, we may take it as an opinion. But do not be quick to dismiss the use of the source.

2. Read and try to understand the language of time.

E-Learning Tasks:

1. Workbook Exercise...
*To be submitted on the day of your return from LOA.

-Complete Chapter 2 from your workbook, stop at Page 8

2. Textbook Exercise...
- Answer the simple exercises on pages 21-22, and blog your response online.



Gentle Reminder to all Historians...

1. Historians who has yet to inform me of your blog address please do so before 6 pm today. 2 July 2009. Please leave a comment after this entry by clicking on the word 'comment' and leave behind your Name, Class and blog address in this manner.

Thank you for cooperating with me to get our online learning started. If you know of a friend who may forget, kindly help me to remind them of their duty as a responsible student.

For historians who has put in extra effort in designing your blog, well done and i hope you continue with your recommendable efforts.

2. Please try and complete Pages 21-22 and write your answers in your Exercise Book. I will collect it at the end of next week for checking.

3. Please try and complete Chapter 2 of your Workbook. Stop until page 8. DO NOT forget to bring your WORKBOOK on Tuesday, we will try to attempt Section C together during lesson.

4. Please do not forget to bring your files as I will give your notes and we shall do some filling during Tuesday's lesson.

Have an enjoyable Youth Day Holiday :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


All historians, please take note!

1. Please do not forget to create your blog and inform me of your blog address, together with your full name and class by posting a comment on this page. This must be done by Wednesday, 1 July 2009.
2. Blog your reflection on Recap Question from page 9 by Wednesday, 1 July 2009, 9pm.
3. Complete Chapter 1 from your Workbook by Thursday, 2 July 2009.
4. You MUST bring your textbook, WORKBOOK and Exercise book on Thursday, 2 July, 2009.
Secondary 1 History E-Learning

Term 3, Week 1
Unit 1: Chapter 2
Topic: Reconstructing the Past

Students are to read up on Chapter 2 of your textbook.

The key issue you need to take note of is:

WHO reconstruct History?
WHY do they do it?
WHAT kind of sources do we use in the study and construction of history

E-Learning Tasks:

1. Workbook Exercise...
*To be submitted on the day of your return from LOA.

-Complete Page 3 of your workbook

2. Textbook Exercise...

- Answer the simple exercises on page 14 of your textbook. Identify which is a primary or secondary source. How can a historian use each source in his/her study about WWII.

"A history book on the Japanese attack on the American port at Pearl Habour."

Ans: A historian will know that the Japanese carried out an attack on the American port, Pearl Habour. Pearl Habour is one of the many attacks that was carried out by the Japanese during WWII. The attack on Pearl Habour "forced" the United States of America to join in the WWII with the intention to stop all axis powers from gaining power.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Secondary 1 History E-Learning

Term 3, Week 1

Unit 1: Chapter 1
Topic: An Introduction to History

Students are to read up on Chapter 1 of your textbook. 

The key issue you need to take note of is:

WHAT is History. 
WHY we study it. 
HOW have we benefitted from the study of History. 
WHERE can History be found?
WHO was involved/affected?

E-Learning Tasks:

1. Blog about this...
*To be posted online by end of the day...

After reading and trying to understand 'An Introduction to History'

1. Why do you think we need to study History?
2. What do we learn when we study History?
3. Name 4 good reasons for studying History.

*Please inform me of your blog address by leaving a comment after this entry. Your details should be in this following manner. Name, Class, Blog Address


2. Workbook Exercise...
*To be submitted on the day of your return from LOA.

Please complete Chapter 1 of 'The Living Past' Workbook.
It is important that you try and construct your own opinion and sentences rather than taking the answers from the textbook.