Friday, August 14, 2009

Learning to make comparisons...

When you draw similarities between sources, you need to find a common criterion and state it from the beginning.

When the questions asks you in this manner...

How similar...
How different...
To what extent are...similar
To what extent are...different

They are asking you to answer BOTH


When the question asks you in this manner...

In what ways are...similar
In what ways are...different
How are Sources A and B similar?
How are Sources A and B different?

They are asking you to answer just ONE
similarities OR differences
Do not forget that you still need to make inferences for this type of question and always SUPPORT your inference from the evidence in your sources!
Learning to infer...

We infer to get more informatino from a source. We ask QUESTIONS about the OBVIOUS information we obtain from the source.

To infer is use the given clues/information to make GUESSES about an event/issue when the answer is not obvious.

For example...

Refer to your workbook, pg 28.

The source is about...

A Shang bronze axehead, with inscriptions on both sides, found in the Yellow River Valley.

So what are the obvious information?

It came from the Shang Dynasty, it is bronze, it is an axehead, there are inscriptions on both side of it and it was found in the Yellow River.

So what inferences can we make?

The bronze axehead was probably used as a tool for chopping or as a weapon.

The Shang people made use of tools to help them in their work and as weapons to defend themselves.